Живееме во сложено општество и доста неизвесен период, а промената не е доволна.
Потребна ни е ТРАНСФОРМАЦИЈА. Во овој процес на трансформација се потребни нови вештини, нова свесност, нови знаења и начин на лидерство.
За да растеме од ЕГО кон ЕКО лидери!
За да бидеме предводници и да го прифатиме претприемачот, родителот, водачот од новата ера.
Ви упатууваме ПРЕДИЗВИК.
Придружетени се на ова Меѓународно БЕСПЛАТНО 9-дневно патување СЕГА и станете Трансформациски претприемач од новата ера!
FREE 9 Days Systemic Journey Challenge
📅 27th August 2020 – 04th September 2020
JOIN US on these FREE 9 days for transformation!
You will receive your challenge daily in the private group and via email.
You will have a bonus of 2 live’s with your Systemic Coach Marina Anchevska for Q & A and different surprises and exciting bonuses.
Why do we need this amazing Systemic Journey Challenge?
We live in an increasingly complex society and quite uncertain times, and change is not enough.
✅ We need TRANSFORMATION. New skills, new awareness, and a way of leadership are needed in this process of transformation.
✅ We need to grow from EGO to ECO leaders!
✅ We need to BE AHEAD of time and embrace the entrepreneur, the parent, the leader from the new era.
How we can do that you might ask?
We can incorporate different methods, and first work on ourselves to BECOME better and unlock our true potential.
⁉️ How would it feel to be a mindful leader that your team loves to work with and brings great results?
⁉️ How would it feel to be that wonderful parent for your child, without jeopardizing your business or job?
⁉️ How would it be like if you could be that loving partner that you are meant to be?
⁉️ What if you could be more successful and fulfilled in your business by understanding the system dynamics and structure in your company and how they co-relate with your family system dynamics?
Now, I understand, you probably are asking, what are family or system dynamics?
🌐 Family dynamics are the patterns of relating, or interactions, between family members. Each family system and its dynamics are unique. Family dynamics often have a strong influence on the way people see themselves, others and the world, and influence their relationships, behaviors and their wellbeing.
🌐 The family dynamics and entanglements create our values and beliefs, and very often those can limit us to grow, to develop, to find a partner, to become a parent, to find a job that you love, to be healthy and fit.
🌐 Some of these beliefs are the basis of procrastination.
The awareness of your family system dynamics can help you overcome those obstacles.
We challenge you to breakthrough and start your systemic journey!
🤝 JOIN US on these FREE 9 days for transformation.
📅 27th August 2020 – 04th September 2020
At the end of the challenge you will:
👉 Be familiar with your family dynamics.
👉 Be aware about the entanglements that you are in and how you can free yourself from it and unleash the power that you have, and still belong to your family.
👉 Connect with your family members on a higher level.
👉 Feel free by increasing your flow of life in your personal life, in your organization, in your team in your family by understanding your systemic dynamics.
👉 Feel more energetic.
👉 Understand the wisdom of your body and learn how to listen to your body and free the stuck emotions that cost you burnt out, headaches, back pain, and any other body pain.
👉 Be versed how to balance your emotions.
👉 Discover your unlimited potential and creativity.
👉 See yourself from a wider perspective, which gives you more possibilities.
👉 Understand the job that you are doing, and how you can grow more.
You have waited long enough!
Say “YES” to your NEW YOU!
START your journey NOW and become a Transformational Entrepreneur of the new era!